- Contact: (02) 8844-6967 / 8843-8219
- Email: wtl@pldtdsl.net
Organized in June 1981, WTL (Phils.), Inc. has built a name and a reputation which it had seeded early on and which it has assiduously cultivated and nurtured with reliability, efficiency and professional integrity through the years of its being not only in the country but outside the Philippine boundaries as well.
The man at the helm of WTL (Phils.), Inc. is Artemio (Bobby) T. Torres, Jr., an engineer, the first Filipino Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) of the American Welding Society, sustaining member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineer and founding member of the Philippine Welding Society.
Mr. Torres joined Engineering Equipment Inc. back in 1968, even before he obtained his B.S.C.E. degree from the Mapua Institute of Technology. He subsequently rose from the ranks, from draftsman to quality control manager, engineering group manager and plant operations group manager by 1979. For a year after that, he became QC/QA manager of the Al Mojil Establishment in Saudi Arabia.
Though busy with all of these activities Mr. Torres organized a Welding Process Procedure for E.E.I. Welders.
During this same period, Mr. Torres participated in a series of in-house, local and international seminars and trainings workshops, and took courses in Welding Company in Sydney, Australia; Tank Welding Practice and Procedure at Toyo Kanetsu in Japan; and Arc Welding Inspection Quality Control at the Hobart School of Welding Technology in Troy, Ohio, U.S.A. He also passed the welding inspector qualification and certification test given by the American Welding Society in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. He is one of the author of a technical paper entitled “Welding of Steel Products in the Philippines”, presented at the Southeast Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEASI) conference on “Rolling , Forming and Fabrication of Steel ” held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
With these background and experience, it became “natural” for Mr. Torres to tread in to the field of non-destructive testing. So, in June of 1981, in a tie-up with WTL U.S.A., one of the biggest and most respected NDE specialist in Continental America. WTL(Phils.), Inc. was formed “to engage in, conduct and carry out general welding and consulting business, including inspection, estimation, recruitment, supervision of construction,maintenance and repair as well as other related activities such as , but not limited to, the preparation of feasibility studies, bids, schedules and materials control.”
Their working relationship with WTL U.S.A. has given WTL(Phils.), Inc. access to the latest and most advanced in NDE technology, and made it possibly the No.1 high tech NDE utility in this part of the world.
This same access to high technology afforded by WTL U.S.A. has enabled WTL(Phils.), Inc. to diversify, so that now , the company is no longer engaged just into radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle and penetrant testings and inspection certification and qualification of welders for petroleum, chemical, power and industrial plants pipelines, etc. but also, into Industrial Project Management, Consultancy Services and Supply of Manpower Services abroad.
Likewise, WTL (Phils.), Inc. has now aggressively ventured into Cathodic Protection. Wilson Walton Eastern Pte. Ltd. - Singapore, the authorized subsidiary of Wilson Walton International for its Eastern Counterpart, had designated WTL (Phils.), Inc. to be its exclusive agent in the Philippines. Wilson Walton International the world leader in Corrosion Control By Cathodic Protection and Anti Fouling, through WTL (Phils.), Inc. will offer new products - Aloline and Zincoline sacrificial Anode, and application of Cathodic Protection System to the off - shore inspection prior to preparation of sufficient design and after sales service to its clientele.
WTL (Phils.), Inc subscribes to the proposition that in fulfilling the task assigned by its client, there can be no substitute for reliability, efficiency and professional integrity. The company policy revolves around the principle that economy for both those serving and those being served ,can best be achieved with efficiency by doing the job right and on time.